Just Keep Stirring….
2024 has been interesting year! . As I desire to improve in every area of my life, I've been stretched in the best way. God has blessed, he's allowed as well as taken away, he's chastened and built me up, and I know it's for my good (Romans 8:28). However, if I am transparent, it is a lot to walk this Christian journey. There are days when I want to just say, "Nope, I'm not doing it today!" And honestly it's okay to feel this way sometimes... as long as you don't stay there!
We are human and life is not easy. Work, finances, health (which includes mental health), faith and church activities, friendships and relationships and having to ensure you take. Are of your wellbeing ... I literally feel like a clown on a unicycle juggling multiple balls awaiting to lose my balance and come crashing to the floor.
But something inside of me speaks to me. The innermost part of me... a soft, gentle voice telling me to "hold on... don't quit!" I know that the voice is the voice of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the trinity of God speaking to my spirit. He tells me not to give up, not to give in, to continue to press my way even when it's difficult. When life is too hard and I want to give up, the Holy Spirit pushes me, he gives me strength, he gives me the ability, the desire to do what needs to be done to fulfil the purpose God has for me.
There are days when I am exhausted and someone approaches me with concerns, and somehow, I am able to muster up a word of wisdom and encouragement to give to someone and by doing so, it gives me strength... that's all God through the power of the Holy Spirit. I can never take credit for it. Knowing that when I am weak, I have someone working on my behalf to help me gives me great hope! "Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”"
2 Corinthians 12:9 NLT
Knowing there is someone on my side that will assist when needed... is amazing! It makes me smile because I can't help to think about the movie "Finding Nemo" when Dory encouraged herself and others to "just keep swimming, just keep swimming!" Just as Dory stirred herself up by singing, we should stir ourselves up when we are tired, afraid, discouraged, worn out, etc. 2 Timothy 1: 5 states “Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands.”
Webster says to "Stir Up" means : "to cause (someone) to feel a strong emotion and a desire to do something"! Biblically to "Stir Up" means : "To incite; to animate; to instigate by inflaming passions; To excite; to put into action; to begin;To quicken; to enliven; to make more lively or vigorous". The gift can be a literal gift or talent as well as a special endowment or ability, or fire that is in you to do what God has called you to do!!! The ability and passion given to you to fulfill your God given purpose. Stir it up! Go back to when you first had the fire and fan the flame!
When it gets hard, stir up the gift! When you are tired and worn out, stir, stir, stir! Remember who you are and that God wouldn't bring you this far to leave you! Stir. Speaking the Word of God over yourself and your situation as Dory did will always encourage you and give you that extra "Umph". Praying and reading scriptures of people who could have given up but didn't and how God helped them... guess what? You are stirring.
No it won't be easy, no you won't feel like it all the time, yes you will be worn out. Know that you are not alone. You have a Helper (The Holy Spirit) who was sent to us by Jesus Christ. He's a gentleman and will not force himself on us. Talk to the Holy Spirit and ask him for guidance, strength, wisdom and understanding. Ask him for perspective, the ability, the power and courage to keep going! Remember that everything we are going through is being used. It's our G.U.M.B.O. And it is used not for us, but for others and most importantly to glorify God!!! So when times get hard: "Just Keep Stirring"!
~Jesus and G.U.M.B.O. (God + U (You) + Me = Blessing Others)