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About Jesus and Gumbo

What is Jesus And Gumbo?


What is Jesus and Gumbo? It is the Triune God... It’s me... it’s you...It’s all of us! It’s who we are, what we do, and why we do it. Gumbo is our lifestyles, our choices, our businesses, careers, and relationships! It’s the good, the bad, the ups and the downs all mixed up to make us oh so good and delicious! (Romans 8:28)

Jesus and Gumbo-The Blog shares my life, my struggles, my disappointments, my successes, and how The Holy Trinity God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are the main ingredient(s) in my life and how he has used my life to make me into Gumbo! 

Jesus and Gumbo Apparel has statement apparel that when worn will give you an opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ and what he has done in your life to make you into GUMBO!   As we share our testimonies of the goodness of God we bless others. Gumbo is not just us as individuals but all of us coming together to make a difference in someone’s life by sharing our lives and the power of the Holy Trinity with them. It’s about realness, authenticity, truth and reaching others!

Join me as we feed and bless others with our experiences ... Jesus and Gumbo-The Movement


Welcome to Jesus and Gumbo Apparel! 




Jesus And [God + U (You) + Me = Blessing Others (G.U.M.B.O.)]